Events & Gatherings
Explore the collection of sacred gatherings within the community.
Events for March
Thursday 13th March - 13 Moons (fully booked)
Saturday 15th March - Cacao Connection (free online gathering)
Friday 21st March - Ostara Gathering (in person)
Saturday 29th March - Cacao Connection (free online gathering)
Monday 1st April - Dark Moon Gathering (in person)

Dark Moon Gathering
A chance to sit in Sacred Circle and welcome the energies of the Dark Moon.

Dark Moon Gathering
A chance to sit in Sacred Circle and welcome the energies of the Dark Moon.

Dark Moon Gathering
A chance to sit in Sacred Circle and welcome the energies of the Dark Moon.

Dark Moon Gathering
A chance to sit in Sacred Circle and welcome the energies of the Dark Moon.

Dark Moon Gathering
A chance to sit in Sacred Circle and welcome the energies of the Dark Moon.

Dark Moon Gathering
A chance to sit in Sacred Circle and welcome the energies of the Dark Moon.

Dark Moon Gathering
A chance to sit in Sacred Circle and welcome the energies of the Dark Moon.

WINTER SOLSTICE Cacao, Drum and Share
A circle to connect to your truth. To express your beautiful essence. To be seen and heard and held.

Dark Moon Gathering
A chance to sit in Sacred Circle and welcome the energies of the Dark Moon.

SAMHAIN. Cacao, Drum and Share
A circle to connect to your truth. To express your beautiful essence. To be seen and heard and held.

Dark Moon Gathering
A chance to sit in Sacred Circle and welcome the energies of the Dark Moon.

Cacao, Drum and Share
A circle to connect to your truth. To express your beautiful essence. To be seen and heard and held.

Dark Moon Gathering
A chance to sit in Sacred Circle and welcome the energies of the Dark Moon.

AUTUMN EQUINOX. Cacao, Drum and Share
A circle to connect to your truth. To express your beautiful essence. To be seen and heard and held.

Cacao, Drum and Share
A circle to connect to your truth. To express your beautiful essence. To be seen and heard and held.