Hello, I am Beccy…
Sacred Space Holder
Cacao Carrier
Visionary + Guide
I am a woman who is ever changing, never linear, always in between here and there.
I am a woman who has been in dark, dark places but has found the light.
I am a woman who has felt the purest love.
I am a woman who feels joy and then utter despair (all in a matter of minutes.)
I am a woman who has experienced the depths grief.
I am a woman who loves the seasons.
I am a woman who has become a mother.
I am a woman who is a daughter.
I am a woman who creates her wildest dreams and then changes her mind.
I am a woman who feels the pull of the moon.
I am a woman who has lost but gained so much.
I am a woman who feels all the rhythms of the earth.
I am a woman who needs time alone.
I am a woman who is part of a tribe of women, all different, all the same, all doing the best they can.
By B.Havery

My story
My life in all its beauty. In all its tribulation. In all its truth.
You will find me at home, my retreat, my heart.
It’s here that I connect in to myself. It is my place of complete surrender where I can be me. In fact, nowadays, I am me wherever I go. This has not always been the case. I always felt like I was different, that I didn’t fit in. And although I had beautiful friends and a loving family. I could never be ‘me’.
I wish I could talk to my younger self and tell her what I know now.
Ten years ago, things changed for me. I began to wake up. It wasn’t a gentle waking up with the morning light. It was a bucket of ice-cold water being poured over me ‘waking up’. I was shaken to the core…
I found the light, the warmth and I opened myself to the world ready, to be seen.
Wild Ways was born…
Wild Ways is a dream, a passion and a story.
I am a mummy, a wife, a daughter, sister and friend, but underneath all these labels, I am just a woman trying to find her truth and way in this world.
From darkness I emerged into the light and felt a strong calling to help other’s step into their uniqueness. Over time, the women came and we sat and cried and laughed and drank Cacao. We shared our stories and tied ribbons around the talking stick. A conscious community was created. A conscious community we still are. Women from all around gather in ceremony, to drum, to sing, to speak, to be still.
This is the power of women.
I believe the world needs change, and change begins with us. I believe that if we are prepared to descend into the depths of who we think we are. To connect back with our true essence. To rise in love. We can create a new way of being.
We may not be here to see it, but my mission is to let go of the ‘shoulds’, the conditioning and the old ways. For future generations to thrive in peace and love.
Wild Ways will always be a journey, evolving and ever changing like life itself.
You are so welcome here.
I believe in truth.
I believe in love.
I believe in magic.
I believe in you.
I believe in truth. I believe in love. I believe in magic. I believe in you.

My journey has taken me on a beautiful path of learning.
Kids Yoga Teacher Taining - GoYoga
200hr Yoga Teacher Training -GoYoga
Womb Yoga - Uma Dinsmore Tuli
Mindfulness Living Foundation Course
Reiki 1 & 2 - Jane Alexander
Somatic Shamanism Training - Kay Louise Alfred
Cacao Carrier Training - Lynette Allen and deeper immersion with Mayan Wisdom Project